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Comunicati stampa Hennecke GROUP


The new ECOPLUS MK2: sustainable, affordable, better

Hennecke, the renowned manufacturer of polyurethane processing technology, has developed a completely reworked generation of high-pressure metering machines and is presenting the first model of the series, the…

The ECOPLUS MK2: The first machine in Hennecke's NEXT-GEN line-up.

The new HX pump generation for polyurethane processing - precise, highly efficient, and fit for the future

Pump technology plays a central role in processing reactive polyurethane components, where precise metering, reproducibility and efficiency are key. The new 'HX' pump series, an in-house development by Hennecke's…

The new HX pump generation: the first ever axial piston pumps developed exclusively for PU applications.

Hennecke GROUP continues to be the world market leader!

The renowned award as world market leader from the magazine "WirtschaftsWoche" goes to Hennecke GROUP for the third time in 2022.

After 2018 and 2021, the external appearance of the global Hennecke GROUP will also be accompanied by the official seal "Global Market Leader" of the well-known…

Hennecke GROUP continues to be the world market leader!

Decisamente più rapidi ed efficienti senza compromettere la qualità: trasformazione degli ambienti produttivi alla Hennecke-OMS

Malgrado la crisi persistente da Coronavirus, Hennecke investe diversi milioni di euro in una trasformazione strutturale a tappe dei suoi siti produttivi in tutto il mondo. Hennecke-OMS in Verano Brianza, con la sua produzione di impianti per pannelli isolanti, rappresenta da sola due milioni di euro di…


Top performance by our Hennecke trainees in 2021

Eight new trainees made a start to their careers on 1st September 2021, which coincided with the fifth anniversary of our training center opening at the Sankt Augustin site. The quality of teaching and the achievements of our trainees are continuously outstanding - for the second time in a row, Hennecke has been…

Top performance by our Hennecke trainees in 2021

Highly efficient, precise, long-lasting, and now 'smart' too - the new Hennecke mixhead and injector portfolio

A total of three new mixhead series and a more optimized line-up in injector technology provide Hennecke’s customers with optimal solutions for every application. At this year's FAKUMA, the polyurethane specialist from the German Rhineland is putting the spotlight on its new smart…

Mixhead serie MT-A

Post-fire restoration is complete: The Hennecke TECHCENTER is open again for your PU ideas!

Following extensive restoration work at the company's in-house research center, all facilities are now fully available again to Hennecke's customers and development partners.

Quick and courageous action by the local fire services prevented the worst during the blaze at Hennecke's research…

Better utilization and shorter distances within the approximately 1000 square meter hall. In the foreground: 6-component high-pressure metering machine with 40 ton mold carrier.

Hennecke is global market leader

Hennecke GROUP honored with prominent award from Wirtschaftswoche magazine

Every year the leading magazine 'WirtschaftsWoche' publishes a list of German global market leaders in conjunction with the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland. A total of 511 companies of different sizes and…

Hennecke is global market leader

New CFO at the Hennecke GROUP

The Hennecke GROUP Advisory Board appoints Christian Kleinjung as new Chief Financial Officer

"I am convinced that Christian Kleinjung's engagement is a perfect addition to the Hennecke management team. As an experienced finance manager, he can bring his profound knowledge of the…

The management of the Hennecke GROUP – from left to right: Rolf Trippler (CSO), Thomas Wildt (CEO) and Christian Kleinjung (CFO)

Notably faster and much more efficient without compromising on quality: the reorganization of metering machine production at Hennecke

Despite the omnipresent Corona crisis, Hennecke is investing around two million euros in a step-by-step structural transformation of its standardized metering machine production. Creating added value under the umbrella of the company's “Hennecke 2.0" strategy, this venture represents one of the largest…

Unveiling the HPS depiction at the inauguration of the new production system by Rolf Friedli, Chairman of the Advisory Board Hennecke GROUP and Thomas Wildt, CEO Hennecke GROUP (from L to R)
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