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Hennecke GROUP continues to be the world market leader!

Hennecke GROUP continues to be the world market leader!
Hennecke GROUP continues to be the world market leader!

The renowned award as world market leader from the magazine "WirtschaftsWoche" goes to Hennecke GROUP for the third time in 2022.

After 2018 and 2021, the external appearance of the global Hennecke GROUP will also be accompanied by the official seal "Global Market Leader" of the well-known business magazine next year. This is the third time that the PU specialists from Sankt Augustin have received the award in the field of "Process technology and equipment for processing polyurethane". This year, the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland) once again examined the specific market situation of numerous companies from the DACH region and their position in the global market on behalf of WirtschaftsWoche. The decisive criteria, which must be fulfilled for the distinction as a world market leader, is an annual turnover of at least 50 million euros, at least 50 percent of which must be achieved abroad and on no fewer than three continents. With annual sales of around 155 million euros, an export share of 85 percent and activities on six different continents, Hennecke was once again able to exceed the criteria as world market leader. The Hennecke Group was able to achieve a further increase in its key sales figures compared to 2020 in a global market that was and still is affected by the global pandemic and an increasingly noticeable supply chain crisis, particularly in the past year. This is guaranteed by an extremely broad product portfolio for a wide range of applications within the processing of polyurethane as well as a series of measures within production. Above all, the Hennecke Production System (HPS), which was implemented at all Hennecke GROUP production sites in 2021.

Hennecke GROUP continues to be the world market leader!
Hennecke GROUP continues to be the world market leader!
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