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HENNECKE-OMS is one of the world leaders in producing discontinuous panel systems complete with wet part (foaming machine) and dry part (multi-plate presses with movable trays) using PUR and PIR foaming technology. The evolution of discontinuous plants means that production is much more adaptable to customers’ needs with maximum flexibility: a large variety of panel sizes, different thicknesses, variable production densities, and numerous panel types with different designs and geometries. The new PANELFOAMER from HENNECKE-OMS also offers limited total investment costs and requires fewer maintenance operations.

The major innovation of the PANELFOAMER discontinuous line is the Open Mould Foaming System. Using a distribution pipe, the foaming takes place directly on the press plate during the plate’s input movement to the press.

The Open Mould Foaming System offers the following distinct advantages:

  • Optimal and even foam distribution over the entire panel section, with no voids inside the panel
  • Low and homogeneous densities over the entire panel area
  • Possibility to inject very long, thick and wide panels in only one shot, no foam junctions or multiple injections
  • Fully automatic foaming operation, no human intervention required
  • No need for elongations or pipes for injecting into the panel, preventing air bubbles in the foam
  • Suitable for all kinds of foam formulation and blowing agents
  • Nitrogen inertization cycle is not necessary when using pentane as blowing agent
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