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Hennecke is global market leader

Hennecke is global market leader
Hennecke is global market leader

Hennecke GROUP honored with prominent award from Wirtschaftswoche magazine

Every year the leading magazine 'WirtschaftsWoche' publishes a list of German global market leaders in conjunction with the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland. A total of 511 companies of different sizes and from various industry sectors receive the award. A number of criteria must be met in order to be recognized as a global market leader. A company must be the number one or two in at least one relevant market segment and have an annual turnover of not less than 50 million euros. 50 per cent of this must be generated from abroad and on three or more continents. The company's ownership structure must be clearly established and at least partly based in the DACH region (Germany, Austria and Switzerland).

The Hennecke GROUP satisfies all the award requirements, with an annual turnover of more than 150 million euros, an export share of 90% and activities on six different continents. It is now the second time that the PU specialists from Sankt Augustin (Germany) have been recognized as global market leader of the sector 'process technology and plants for polyurethane processing'.

Hennecke is global market leader
Hennecke is global market leader
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