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Hennecke customers are enjoying the protection of extensive patents in PUR-CSM spray technology

PUR-CSM spray technology
PUR-CSM spray technology

The Hennecke Group has been very successfully building spraying plants with the well-established PUR-CSM spray technology for various automotive and non-automotive applications and supplying them to global markets for a number of years. The PUR-CSM spray technology is renowned worldwide for its considerable benefits: one feature is the targeted feeding of air below the tappet for spraying the PU mixture and for use in self-cleaning designs of various mixheads. This process technology is legally protected by an existing patent (EP 1 960 171 B1), among other things, and can thus only be offered by Hennecke GmbH.

Hennecke GmbH is therefore currently checking whether there are production plants on the market which violate the patent rights of Hennecke GmbH. As yet, licenses for using this patent have neither been issued to third-party suppliers nor manufacturers by Hennecke GmbH. Customers who now have a third-party plant that clearly has features of the kind described can send an email to the address below in due course to get the installed plant inspected for free. Hennecke will answer all enquiries and provide inspection results to the respective plant manufacturers on request. Hennecke's focus here is on both the technical and legally protected production of large-scale components of all manufacturers.

As is generally known, patents are issued for inventions in all areas of technology as long as they are new, based on an inventive activity and are commercially applicable. Only the patent holder is authorized to use the patented invention within applicable law. All third parties are forbidden to offer, market or use a product that is the subject of a patent without the consent of the patent holder and/or to apply a process that is the subject of a patent, or, if the third party knows or it is obvious due to the circumstances that the application of the process is forbidden without the consent of the patent holder, to offer its application within the scope of this law (§9PatG).

For a free inspection of your production plant, please contact composites@hennecke.com directly (keyword “PUR-CSM”).

PUR-CSM spray technology
PUR-CSM spray technology
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