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Easing lockdown measures: HENNECKE-OMS is operational again

One global team, one objective: maintain customer satisfaction even during the COVID-19 crisis

Dear Hennecke GROUP customers,

We are pleased to inform you that from 4th May 2020 HENNECKE-OMS is back in operation from the company headquarters in Verano Brianza. As you know, we implemented extensive protection measures at all Hennecke GROUP sites to help prevent a further spread of the Coronavirus and to protect our employees as far as possible. At Verano Brianza we introduced smart working from home for all our employees until the lockdown imposed by the Italian government was lifted on 3rd May 2020. Now our Italian employees have been able to return to the workplace and our production has restarted in earnest. We are working hard to make up for the time lost during the lockdown measures. Of course all HENNECKE-OMS activities remain in keeping with the precautionary measures laid down by the Italian authorities.

The following measures still apply at all Hennecke GROUP sites:

  • Strict internal hygiene regulations and limited personal contact with customers and suppliers
  • Business travel only in exceptional circumstances and only with management approval
  • Explicit quarantine rules for staff members who have stayed in high-risk areas or had possible direct or indirect contact with infected people
  • Trade fairs and events have been cancelled or postponed until further notice

We would like to thank you for your continued support during these uncertain times. Please remember that all our departments are ready to provide any kind of service and further clarification you might need. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our specialists at any time.

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